62 - A-Type Tree

Copyright tcx3.co.uk

Unique ID: 62

Technical details


Quarter Stater




Belgic Gaul



Issuing Authority

Atrebates (Gaul)








Excessively Rare (2 to 5)


52 BC to 51 BC (see note about dating)

Obverse Legend

A or AT

Reverse Legend

No Legend

Obverse Description

The obverse is blank apart from an “A” or “AT” monogram. There is some evidence of a previous pattern on the flat area surrounding the central dome.

Reverse Description

The reverse is dominated by a tree or trophy shaped object with six branches at the top (in two groups of three) and an annulet at the base surrounding a pellet. Two “roots” come from this annulet, one at each side. On this coin the annulet is damaged and the roots are missing. An elongated pellet is at the base of the coin. To the left and right of the tree’s trunk are two wavy lines which appear to end in pellets. The one on the left has a second pellet. Both lines are in poor condition and a degree of faith is needed to identify the one on the left. However, wavy lines in these positions are common on other types in the series, so it’s likely this this is the correct identification.

Above the left most line, at the height of the branches, is the remains of a ringed pellet. The ring appears to be eye shaped, which also appears in this location on some GB-D coins. A similar shape appears on the upper right of the coin, with a hint of an object below it. A faint X shape appears on the upper left of the coin. On the only other coin known, this appears above the tree. A pelleted line appears to encircle the reverse, although only the left and the top can be seen on this coin, and only the upper left on the other coin.

Bt. Ebay France. Item number 312561735804. 2019


ABC 52. A-Type Tree

Divided Kingdoms

DK 37. GB-D – A


DT 258. l’arbre et à la ligne brisée


Scheers Series 13. Les quarts “au bateau” Class VI. Le type “Aux Annelets”

This coin is Gallo Belgic D (GB-D) “A” type, one of the excessively rare “legend” types. The GB-D quarter staters were minted in Belgic Gaul to finance resistance to Caesar during the Gallic Wars. The A type is thought to have been minted in preparation for the final year of the war (51 BC).

The type is defined by an A shape on the obverse. There is some debate as to whether this is an “A”, an “AT” monogram, or a reversed digamma symbol (originally the 6th letter of the Greek alphabet). The Celts didn’t speak Greek, and the Greeks had stopped using it before 500 BC, so “A” or “AT” are much more likely. There is also another GB-D legend type quarter stater that has AR on the reverse, and if the “A” is actually and “AT” monogram, then this would make it “ATR”. In 55/4 BC the Romans spent the winter in Belgic territory, and in the winter of 54/3 BC Caesar stayed in the capital city of the Ambiani. It’s likely that when this coin was made in 52/51 BC, coin minting had moved to other territories, and the closest tribe that was furthest from the Romans was the Atrebates. They revolted against the Romans in 51 BC.

This is only the second example of this coin I have been able to find. It is listed as unique in “ABC” with the plate coin being in the British Museum.

GB-D types in the collection:

  • Branch Type (38 and 63)
  • Two Symbols (26 and 31)
  • Two Arcs Uniface (79)
  • Ornate Lines (54)
  • Two Rosettes (70 and 93)
  • Linked Rings (86)
  • Ringed Pellet Globular (47)
  • S-Wave Trophy (64)
  • Legend A (62)
  • Legend RR (81)