94 - Clacton Cross

Copyright tcx3.co.uk

Unique ID: 94

Technical details


Quarter Stater






North Thames

Issuing Authority









Rare (31 to 50)


55 BC to 54 BC (see note about dating)

Obverse Legend

No Legend

Reverse Legend

No Legend

Obverse Description

The obverse has worn flat on this coin.

Reverse Description

The reverse consists of a cross made from double lines. A thick circle sits at the centre of the cross. The correct orientation of the reverse isn’t known, but there’s a spiky bell shaped object on this reverse, reminicant of the anenome on GB-Ca2 quarters and later derivatives. This generally sits to the upper right of the coin, so I will orientate it this way. The upper right quadrant has the bell shaped object with three spikes at each end, and a crescent to its right. The lower right quadrant has a pellet with a crescent surrounding it, with the open end towards the centre of the coin. The lower left quadrant has a large pellet, and the upper left quadrant has a small pellet.

There are three pellets between the lower arms of the cross, and potentially a pellet between the upper arms, although that might just be a die break. The left and right arms seem to have a vertical upright near the centre of the cross. The one on the left is incomplete, and the one of the right is large, possibly due to a die break. The arms on the right als have a small pellet between them.

This is reverse die 5 and one of four coins known.

Bt. Private sale on Facebook (2020)


ABC 2356. Clacton Cross

Divided Kingdoms

DK 423. British F2 Class 2 – Voided Cross


S 41. Clacton Type

The Clacton Cross quarter stater is part of a series started by the Clacton Dragon type (see 18 and 27). Both types share the same obverse design (and obverse die 1) but the reverses have no similarities. The obverse has worn blank on this particular coin.

It’s not known why the reverse switched from a “dragon” to a cross, nor why the Clacton Dragon coins are so rare but the Clacton Cross coins are much more common.

This is one of two in the collection (see 20).